Sarper's Corner on the Internet

Exploring the endless world of cyber security and life


BoilCTF Writeup - TryHackMe

BoilCTF is an annoying boot2root challenge on TryHackMe. It has a lot of rabbit holes! Definitely, easy-medium level challenge if the creator didn’t put those rabbit holes. As always, I started with a port scan: PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION 21/tcp open ftp syn-ack vsftpd…

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StuxCTF Write-up

StuxCTF is a medium level boot2root challenge on TryHackme. This room consists of Diffie-Hellman key exchange, PHP deserialization attack and privilege escalation. As always, we start with a Nmap scan and end up finding 2 open ports: 22 and 80. PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION…

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Ultratech Write-up

UltraTech is an semi-guided room that covers the basics of penetration testing which are Enumeration, Privilege Escalation and WebApp testing. As usual, we start with port scanning. The scan reveals that the machine has 4 open ports: 21 (FTP), 22 (SSH), 8080 (HTTP) and 31337…

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So Many 64s Write-up

This is actually pretty simple. We are given a multiple times base64 encoded string. We need to decode it to get the flag. The challenge file is here and to reach the challenge page click here. Here’s a recursive Python function to decode the base64…

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RSA Noob Write-Up

RSA Noob is a cryptography challenge from CTFLearn. It is actually pretty simple. We are given a public key and a ciphertext. We need to decrypt the ciphertext to get the flag. Here’s the challenge file: e: 1 c: 9327565722767258308650643213344542404592011161659991421 n: 245841236512478852752909734912575581815967630033049838269083 Solution Let’s remember…

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